• Member Since 20th Apr, 2014

PlayStation Brony

A lazy gamer, I love playing games wanna play with me? PSN:RedCannonFodder

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When David is mysteriously transported to the world of Canterlot High School, he does what he can to avoid any extended contact with the Humane Six or any of their family and close friends. The downside of this is that he's become homeless and alone. Now, with Christmas just a day away, he's prepared to hide in the shadows another night.

However, his plans are derailed once one of the girls catch sight of him...

(First-person story set about three months after the first Equestria girls movie that starts off sad, but ends up being a somewhat comedic tale. Also, my first hard crack at writing for a public audience. Constructive criticism is welcome, and any and all flames will be used to make delicious s'mores before being doused.)

Chapters (4)

Two worlds, two peoples, two varying ways of life. For Equestria and its people, peace has been a staple of life for generations under the watchful eyes of their alicorn protectors. Resources and necessities for life are abundant, and the few times it has been threatened by external foes have ended in an Equestrian victory.

For mankind however, life is a brutal battle for survival in the war-torn hellscape of nuclear devastation. Violence and survival have been a mainstay for the last three decades, and only recently has a coalition tried to reestablish civilization. But the Earth is dying, and this last bastion of humanity only number around 50,000. For man, doom seems inevitable.

One day, two men accidentally discover something that will change the fates of both worlds forever. One man will discover Equestria and its prosperity, coming into contact with the very best Equestria has to offer. He will be shown kindness, and in turn, he will teach them understanding.

Regardless, the rest of Equestria will come to fear what they do not understand and after a tragedy costs humanity's good will, mankind will be left no choice but to invade in the name of survival. A sad tale, but one that history has repeated on numerous occasions. In the end, it will be up to a handful of individuals on both sides to find a solution and bring an end to the conflict. Will these two worlds come to terms and learn to coexist, or will one species be eradicated by the other?
First featured on 11/15/15

Chapters (40)

Jack backlash was a highschool student that doesn't have that much of anything interesting happening in his life. One day, these 'Dazzlings' show up and one of them caught his eye. She looked like a cute girl who seemed clumsy, but funny. Her name was Sonata Dusk. Ever since the battle of the bands, the dazzlings lost and were never seen again. It was a shame that he never got the chance to talk to Sonata before she and her sisters disappeared.

But it seems that luck was with him.

Three weeks later as he was walking home from work on a rainy afternoon, he heard a girl in the alleyway sobbing. As he looked into the alleyway, he was surprised to who it was. This is where his story begins…

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to World of Ponies: The Rise of Change.

Three years have passed since Castus and his humans fled from Canterlot. In that time, they have grown and learned; living at peace in a wide open plain. But forces begin to move, that now push Equestria and the Humans into a war in which both sides are not fully prepared to face.

Awsome Cover Art is thanks to Sipioc and KickassKing. Thank you dudes, you guys are awesome. I'm honored that my story has inspired fan art :)

Chapters (30)

What happens when you get caught red-handed drinking out of a milk carton at your friend's house by her older brother? Sunset Shimmer is about to find out.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Scroll of an Old Age

The war is destroying our homes and those monsters would do anything to catch us.

But we're safe underground in our vault. In our Unbreakable Shell...


Inspired by the Fallout 4 trailer.

This story is not a sequel nor would it affected the Conversion War. I've made this from the new Fallout trailer and nothing more. Sorry.

Chapters (1)

When those creatures came from a different planet to convert our race, we didn't stand a chance.

We never stand a chance.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Scroll of an Old Age

The invaders has captured Ponyville.

Luckily Twilight is being evacuated by her brother's squad.

However, some are not getting that luxury.

Chapters (1)

Aria Blaze was known from Adagio and Sonata, that she is a super grumpy person ever since they were banished to the human world. So what happens when someone asks her out? On an average day. in Canterlot High someone asks Aria out, and she isn't too happy about it, but accepts it and goes on the date.

Chapters (3)

My name is Stalwart Gray, I'm a junior at Canterlot High. Since I was six years old, I have experienced things a bit different. Conversations are, at best, in pieces, music has less personal appeal, and some people look at me like I'm some kind of robot. Still, I've learned to cope with my inability to hear fairly well, if I do say so myself.
But, strange things happen at my school, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who notices. Stranger still, was when met a girl. She was cute and all, with long blue hair, bright pretty eyes, and a voice that can literally hypnotize someone to do her bidding... Yeah, that's what said.

Chapters (1)